Lakeshore GSA (Gender | Sexuality | Allies) Youth Group
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Schedule of Activities Online Here
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We know that our congregation is one of the only fully affirming Christian communities in the Grand Haven area. We also know that this means there are LGBTQIA+ kids out there who go churches that are not fully affirming (and some that may be downright hostile), not to mention LGBTQIA+ kids who don't have any church home at all. That's why this group exists. As we like to say, "No matter where you go (or if you go) to church on Sundays, this is a safe place for you on Thursdays at 7:30pm."
We gather weekly, on Thursdays at 7:30pm, usually in the Guild Room of St. John's Episcopal Church, for a variety of activities. Sometimes our leaders do some teaching on Scripture or theology that is affirming of LGBTQIA+ Christians. Other times we just play games and enjoy unstructured fun time. Every now and then, we'll bring in an outside professional for discussion (think subjects like teen mental health, "it get's better," or any other topics our kids are interested in). Sometimes we'll have a longer meeting and enjoy a movie and discussion. And, sometimes we just get together for justice and service projects in the community, seeking to make a difference right here at home.
To find out more about this group, you can contact either our Group Leader Hailey Barton, our rector, Fr. Jared Cramer, or our Children & Youth Coordinator, Reyna Masko. To see the schedule of activities, along with our various Leaders, Assists, and our collaborating churches that make this ministry happen, you can click here.
If you'd like to be added to the email group for parents, teens, and leaders, you can click here and Father Cramer will take care of that. And if you'd be interested in serving in leadership, or having your church become a cooperating congregation, click here to let Father Cramer know.