Other Ministries
Other Ministries of Justice & Pastoral Care
There are a few other ways to participate in ministries of Justice or Pastoral Care.
This collection of members is on call to assist with hosting receptions, often for funerals of members or other significant parish events. When an event comes up, the parish reaches out to the Commission for an event Host and a few Assistants, depending on the size and nature of the event. If you enjoy cooking, helping setup for an event, and are willing to help cleanup after one, this is a great way to help enrich the hospitality of our church. Contact the parish office at to be added to their email group.
For more than a decade, a group of members has meet weekly to knit prayer shawls which are then blessed by the priest and given to those going through times of difficulty or struggle. No matter your knitting skills—whether nonexistent or advanced!—you’re welcome to join them and be a part of this hands-on ministry bringing comfort to those who are in times of pain. Contact the parish office for information on their current meeting schedule.